Are you traveling this holiday season?
Here are a few tips to take the stress away...
1-Plan for extra time for travel
Remember LOTS of people are out their traveling to see friends or family as well. I recommend 10-20% more time for travel. The roads are sure to be busy and probably backed up. Don’t worry about being late by leaving extra time. In my opinion, better to arrive early than late.
2-If you are transporting food or beverages put them in a protective container
This means plastic container or bag to avoid a complete mess if it spills or breaks. Many crockpots come with covers if not buy one. Also, that wonderful bottle of wine you are bringing can go into a plastic or wood container (not just a paper bag).
3-If driving, fuel up your car the day BEFORE travel
This will save you a step in the morning and many other people will be there fueling up that morning.
4-Yes, we all love our family and friends but sometimes they can “annoy” or “upset” us, so be prepared!
It seems the same questions always come out at family gatherings:
How is that job going? How is your business going? When are you going to have kids? When are you going to get married? When are you going to buy a house? And the list goes on. You know they are going to ask, so be prepared and have your answer ready.
5-Pack efficiently
Make sure to only bring what you need. That piece of luggage always seems to gain weight as the trip goes on and you don’t want to carry it. Make sure to only pack what you need. Don’t forget your chargers for phones, laptops and other electronical devices as well. And most importantly don’t forget your prescriptions.
An expert tip I recommend is to check the weather before leaving. That way you will be prepared with appropriate clothing.
6-If traveling with children try not to change up their schedules too much
Children like and need a routine for their day. This is including things like meals, naptime and bedtime. Try to keep these as regular as possible even when grandparents, aunts and uncles as well as other family members push to keep them up or other things. When the children get out of sorts it is going to get you out of sorts. This leads to meltdowns of children as well as adults. Don’t let this ruin your travel plans
Remember the holidays are about fun, friends and family, it is for you to enjoy, not dread.
What are your tips for planning before leaving for vacation? Let us know below…
Blog Contributor:
Colleen Parisi owner of A Walk in the Park with Colleen. Takes the stress out of planning a trip to Disney and put the fun in!!

Colleen’s belief is that everyone should have a great time at Disney! Growing up her family called her “Julie” (for those that don’t get it, it is a reference to a TV show called Love Boat and Julie was the cruise director). Colleen has always been a planner and now does it as a business and to help other businesses.
Opinions expressed by Savvy Women blog contributors are their own.